It was a big year… From online conferences and teaching to manuscript submissions, data collection, Murdoch University open day and organising symposiums. Let’s have a quick look back on what went on through 2021.

Online Conference and Teaching

With the COVID-19 lockdowns in full effect, the Exercise and Sport Science Australia conference was moved online. Attending an international conference from the comforts of my living room definitely had its benefits, but along with those came some drawbacks for an early career researcher trying to network. Nevertheless, the conference delivered great content from a wide range of presenters.

The lockdowns also brought online teaching, a new experience for me. The use of blackboard collaborate and a webcam projected my lessons to the students that could unfortunately not be on campus. This experience brought a new set of challenges for my teaching skills, trying to get as much engagement into the classes as I could without seeing the students and how they were interpreting the content. The online experience has helped me improve my teaching skills both online and in person.

Data Collection

During 2021 I commenced the final study of my PhD. Throwing myself in the deep end, I began learning to operate the Qualisys 3D motion capture system and introduced myself to blood sampling and processing. This was a huge change of direction for my PhD, but after analysis of my previous studies, I felt that this was the next step and an essential step in the research around blood flow restricted aerobic exercise. I won’t say too much as the manuscripts will be coming shortly.



Brief Overview on publications submitted

During 2021 I was a part of three manuscript submissions, two first authors and one named author. My first author publications come straight from the studies associated with my PhD relating to blood flow restricted exercise and its prescription. These are currently in review, and I will add links here and under the about tab on the home page once accepted.

The publication from the research group I am a part of explores the impact of a hypoxic environment on training quality and recovery times frames compared to the equivalent weights session in normoxia. Again this paper is in review, and I will put the link here and under the about tab on the home page once accepted

Women in STEMM

At the end of 2020 I joined the Murdoch University Women in STEMM committee and thoughout 2021 was able to contribute in the organising of the yearly symposium. This day brings together a range of female researchers to share their research and the journey they have been on to get to their current position. The 2021 symposium was the biggest recorded, including online access, where the symposium was streamed live. We were also lucky enough to have an international speaker. It was a great day, and we got some excellent feedback from those who attended. Bring on the 2022 symposium.



What’s to come in 2022

2022 brings the final year of my PhD, so I am excited about the prospect of completion and moving onto the next chapter of my research career. With that comes manuscripts submissions, conferences (hopefully, the borders are open so I can attend my first overseas conference) and job hunting. This is going to be a huge year!