After a few youtube videos and a 10 minute “Begginers Guide to Markdown”, I am giving my first blog post a try. Created in a markdown file!

Being a beginner at coding in any language, I put off taking this step for a long time. It all just seemed too complicated for me. But here we are! My first post on my own web page. All created using the new skills that I have developed.

Starting my coding journey on RStudio, I have spent my fair share of time staring at red text. Continuously telling me that I was running error after error. It was super frustrating, so many times I just wanted to go back to excel and SPSS. But persisting through the long days of errors has allowed me to learn a valuable skill that I will now be able to use for the rest of my research career. Not only that, it has given me the confidence to create this webpage and this blog.

That being said…. For anyone reading this that is just beginning their coding journey. It is exactly that, a journey. Stick with it, it will be worth it.

Until next time..
